The #LastBookYouStacked was found on @Litsy #BlameItOnLitsy #SeaonsReadings2016 @RealLifeReading
The #LastBookYouStacked was found on @Litsy #BlameItOnLitsy #SeaonsReadings2016 @RealLifeReading
A creative snowman made of book pages at a local #library. #seaonsreadings2016 #christmas display.
Day 6 of #seaonsreadings2016 is #bestblurbs
The blurb for John Dies at the End totally sucked me in. It's weird and funny, and written just like the weird and funny book inside. Good stuff!
Two new favorite #kickassheroines. Alina from The Grisha Trilogy and Aelin from Throne of Glass Series. #seaonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading
And one more #kickassheroine that I almost forgot about. Minerva McGonagall most certainly kicks ass and is my seccond favourite HP character! Also Maggie Smith is pretty much a real life #kickassheroine ! 💗
#seaonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading