This was an enjoyable audible freebie. Since I‘m an O‘s fan, I thought I‘d try it. Babe Ruth, from Baltimore, started his career in Bmore in the minors. Interesting stuff.
This was an enjoyable audible freebie. Since I‘m an O‘s fan, I thought I‘d try it. Babe Ruth, from Baltimore, started his career in Bmore in the minors. Interesting stuff.
This wasn‘t my favorite Kinsella but I laughed out loud a few times. Moral of the story - don‘t get drunk & blurt out all your secrets to a stranger or do get drunk and blurt out all your secrets to a stranger. It‘s complicated. #screwballcomedy #romantsy #chicklit
Before you text your bff to comment on the fact that she is talking REALLY fast (like she just drank too many shots of espresso) on her latest podcast, you might want to make sure you didn‘t accidentally kick the playback speed up to 1.5x.
#ihavenocluehowididthat #yesitextedherbeforefiguringitout #maybeiamtheonewhoneedstheespresso #threebookspodcast
My first Kinsella. 💗💜💙❤️💕💗💜XXXXX!!! I need more ASAP! This one was because of #osrbc when I asked about #screwballcomedy #romantsy #romcom