A little late to the #scarynonfiction party. Real life scarier than fiction. I finished this and Mockingjay on the same day, then I went and hid under the covers for a while. #allhallowsread
A little late to the #scarynonfiction party. Real life scarier than fiction. I finished this and Mockingjay on the same day, then I went and hid under the covers for a while. #allhallowsread
#allhallowsread #scarynonfiction @litsy Some homicides from my home state.
The scariest part of the events of Salem is not the supernatural, but the acts of humans! #scarynonfiction #allhallowsread @Litsy
My #AllHallowsRead #scarynonfiction buy today. I've been wanting to read this for a long time.
My #AllHallowsRead is In Cold Blood by Capote. I read this book when I was in high school and it has stuck with me ever since. It's one of my favorite books. The way Capote gets into the head of the killers and fleshes them out is amazing. It's creepy, smart and so well-written. @Litsy #ScaryRead #scarynonfiction #litsy
Horror is not really my thing, but for today's homeschool lesson on invertebrates, I got plenty creeped out thinking of 95% of all Earth's animals lurking somewhere out of sight without a spine... 😱🐜🕷🦂#allhallowsread #scaryreads #scarynonfiction
Nothing is scarier to me than the fact that something on this scale actually happened with such cold efficiency by people convinced they were right. #AllHallowsRead #ScaryRead #scarynonfiction
Nothing beats a scary non-fiction crime book. When the monsters become real, breathing human beings that you could encounter in every day life, you'll never feel safe.
Lucie Blackman goes to Japan, but never returns. The book goes into why she went to Japan, the possibilities of why she went missing, the discovery of her remains, and what does Joji Obara have to do with this.
#AllHallowsRead #ScaryNonFiction
"The first English settler accused of witchcraft to leave a record of herself, however scanty, was Goodwife Joan Wright in Virginia" A scary book in delving into how humanity copes with outliers, non mainstream thought, and those who are "different". #cunningwomen #ScaryReads #ripgoodwife #AllHallowsRead #happyhalloween #spooky #penguinclassics #scarynonfiction #bookstagram #witch
I don't read a lot of non-fiction (not counting the secondary literature I need for work), but when it comes to #scarynonfiction I would choose this memoir by Natascha Kampusch. Her story really touched me and I remember sitting glued to the telly when she fled 10 years ago and the first reports came in on the news. #AllHallowsRead