A worthy conclusion to the #SamuelJohnsonvstheDevil series. Clever, poignant, & wise. • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5.
A worthy conclusion to the #SamuelJohnsonvstheDevil series. Clever, poignant, & wise. • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5.
"...You may laugh now, but the old-age bus has a seat for everyone." • #snarkywisdom #SamuelJohnsonvstheDevil • #currentlyreading
I snort-laughed. 😂😂• #sassywriting #butforwhatitsworth #itotallyagreewithconnolly • #SamuelJohnsonvstheDevil
As always, these footnotes have me 😂👌🏻 • #SamuelJohnsonvstheDevil
Need a change of tone & mood, so starting the third #SamuelJohnsonVStheDevil novel. 👦🏼🐶🚨😈 • Connolly's clever storytelling is just what I need right now. Sriracha bunny approves. 🌶🐰
I think this book is best described as a clever romp through Hell. Not quite as good as The Gates IMO, but a fun (& quick) read nonetheless. There's some transphobia re: Mrs Abernathy, as a warning. • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 • #samueljohnsonVSthedevil
"...It is not evil that is the enemy of hope: it is nothingness." • #samueljohnsonVSThedevil
"Now for those of you who may not be entirely familiar with our story so far, here is a chance for you to catch up..." • #seriouslythough #whoreadsasequelfirst? #bibliopetpeeve • #samueljohnsonVSthedevil