Finished this last night. Stunning and hypnotic. Mighty Esch soars! #weekendreading #salvagethebones
Finished this last night. Stunning and hypnotic. Mighty Esch soars! #weekendreading #salvagethebones
Saturday morning reading. Time for a refill. #bookclubbook #saturdayreading #jesmynward #salvagethebones
#ThrowbackThursday mixed with upcoming newness. If you have not read Jesmyn Ward's work, do yourself a favor and grab ALL of her books. Her mesmerizing prose is poignant and evocative. You will not be disappointed.
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New Release on 9/5/17: SING, UNBURIED, SING⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
#spinesvines #books #wine #jesmynward #singunburiedsing #menwereaped #salvagethebones #thefirethistime #tbt