That moment when you have to decide if you should go to bed or start a new book even though it's ridiculously late... #thebookwins #heartontheline #ivebeenwaitingforthisone #karenwitemayer #whoneedssleep #readmoresleepless
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That moment when you have to decide if you should go to bed or start a new book even though it's ridiculously late... #thebookwins #heartontheline #ivebeenwaitingforthisone #karenwitemayer #whoneedssleep #readmoresleepless
Best reading buddies a girl could ask for 😍 I go back to work tomorrow after a nice long vacation... 5:30am is going to come quick.. And I'm having a hard time putting this book down. Looks like I'm going to be tired tomorrow!!! #readmoresleepless #readingchallenge