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My complimentary copies have arrived!
(I have a poem in this handsome book.)

Oryx Beautiful book. And congratulations on the poem. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm 👏 Congrats! 4y
Caroline2 Wow! Congratulations!! That‘s fabulous. 😀 4y
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batsy That's wonderful! What a gorgeous book. 4y
Tanisha_A Wow! Congratulations 🎉 4y
eraderneely 🎉🎉🎉 4y
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Sing Me the Creation | Paul Matthews
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#writersoflitsy #poetsoflitsy English poet and brilliant creative writing teacher Paul Matthews will be teaching a course in New Hampshire this summer with American poet Patrice Pinette. Group and individual writing, surrealist games, Spacial Dynamics, Eurythmy, and laughter will all play a role in freeing the imagination and enlivening language. Link to course description in the comments. Would love to meet some Littens there!

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Untitled | Unknown
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I turned over the calendar this morning to be greeted by a poem I wrote a couple of years ago! (I'm taking it as a good sign that I can still bear to read it, though I'm not sure how I'll feel about seeing it every time I sit at the dinner table.)

It's the Earth Pathways calendar (they have a diary, too) illustrated by Jaine Rose.

It kind of amuses me to tag my own work Untitled, Unknown: gallows humour, all!

Cathythoughts So lovely ❤️ 6y
batsy ❤️❤️ 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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My bird-shat cathedron.

It's too hot at my desk so I've set up in the garden until the sun-tide reaches my toes and drives me back indoors. (I have cleaned up the bird-shit!)

I'm a bit manic this morning. Words are pealing like bells. The magpies are cackling their splendid blasphemies.


Soubhiville That looks like a cozy spot 💕🐦 6y
Ddzmini Beautiful spot 😍 6y
CarolynM I've just been doing a bit of housekeeping and saw that I wasn't actually following you, not sure how that one slipped through. Sorry. Anyway I am now 🙂 6y
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Cathythoughts Beautiful spot 💫 6y
Centique “Cackling their splendid blasphemies” is the best description I‘ve read all week. 👏👏👏 6y
Nute I love this post! I knew that I got a cool vibe from you. “Words are pealing like bells. The magpies are cackling their splendid blasphemies.” Love it!!💕 (edited) 6y
quietlycuriouskate @Centique @Nute 😘Thank you; your comments have made me very happy! 😊 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I'll just leave this here... my most recently published poem, in next year's Earth Pathways Diary, accompanied by a glorious illustration by Dorrie Joy.
(Is #poetsoflitsy a thing?)

batsy A beautiful poem. "Sleek skinned, lovely still and coldly graced"—I love that. Congratulations and thank you for sharing ? (#poetsoflitsy should definitely be a thing!) 6y
TrishB Very cool 👍🏻 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh, I like it! Agree, we should definitely have #poetsoflitsy ! Congrats! 6y
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Tamra Congratulations! 👏🏾 6y
youneverarrived That‘s lovely! 6y
Weaponxgirl Congratulations ❤️ 6y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook Beautiful 💚 6y
Reggie Wow, beautiful. 6y
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