Fabric I bought on Etsy to make a #booksleeve for myself, and possibly one for next year‘s #creepychristmasswap match.
#day4 #planningahead
Fabric I bought on Etsy to make a #booksleeve for myself, and possibly one for next year‘s #creepychristmasswap match.
#day4 #planningahead
When you get your inspiration for NaNo early, and you‘re trying to keep everything organised, but there is no suitable app or pages/word template so you make a private, non-searchable family tree on your ancestry account. ROTFL
This sucker is going down!!!
#writer #writersproblems #planningahead #organisation #fakeancestry
Did you know there are four sequels to the incrediblely wonderful #childrenslit classic that is Sarah, Plain and Tall? Because I did not until very recently & I am thrilled that my local library had all four of them for me to borrow. 😊 Will report back on how they are; hopefully they will measure up to the standard set by the original. #libraryhaul #sundaymorningplans #planningahead #idreadthemnowbutihavetogogetmyhairdoneforaneventtonight #boo