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I read a good amount of books that touched on veganism or animal rights this year, some more strongly than others. My favorite of the bunch, though not #vegan at all, was Zooburbia, a look at how we coexist with the non-human animals in our world.

Our #nonfictiontravelingbook is still making its way around the globe! I believe we are booked through March, but I‘m taking sign ups for round 2. Check the book tagged in the comments!👇🏻

dariazeoli @MaleficentBookDragon I listened to Duchovny read the audiobook. It added a layer to it 😁 6y
MaleficentBookDragon @dariazeoli ohhh, I should get it in audio now. 6y
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As the holiday weekend draws to a close, I am thankful that @dariazeoli decided to share this book. Good information that most have never heard.
This is a photo of Esther “The Wonder Pig” in her home where she was raised as a member of the family. She has become a media star herself. Esther not only changed the lives of the two young men who raised her, but also of the many fans who love her. #nonfictiontravelingbook

Reviewsbylola Very sweet. 🐷 7y
BookMaven407 I ❤️this picture. 7y
DivineDiana @Reviewsbylola Esther is a lucky girl! 💗 7y
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DivineDiana @BookMaven407 You should see them with the pet turkey! 7y
dariazeoli Esther! ❤️ Her book is on my Neverending #TBR. 7y
DivineDiana @dariazeoli Mine as well! ❤️🐷 7y
TricksyTails ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🐶🐷 7y
MatchlessMarie Have u sent it my way yet? Just wondering because my letter carrier has been a stinker about not leaving package slips lately 😈 7y
DivineDiana @MatchlessMarie Sorry, I have not. Will mail it on Monday. 🙂 7y
MatchlessMarie @DivineDiana No worries! Just want to make sure it doesn‘t get returned on accident 😉😳 7y
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@dariazeoli , your book for #nonfictiontravelingbook has arrived in Oregon! Thanks to @MaleficentBookDragon for passing it along. It has been officially added to the ever more precarious October TBR. I'm looking forward to it!

dariazeoli Yay, it‘s gone coast to coast now! I feel you on the TBR. Fortunately it‘s a shorter one! 7y
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