Just got these beautiful stenciled pages editions by ACourtofPaintedPages on Etsy 🖤😍❤️ love them!#NoMourners #NoFunerals
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
Just got these beautiful stenciled pages editions by ACourtofPaintedPages on Etsy 🖤😍❤️ love them!#NoMourners #NoFunerals
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
So I‘ve surpassed where I wanted to stop for a bit (Part 4: The Trick to Falling) before continuing on in July to keep everything fresh for our discussion at the end of the month but the story is so good! I‘m ready to see what‘s going to happen with the Ice Court Scheme and the final out comes for Bo Yul-Bayur.
#scififantasybookclub #bbbbc #crows #sixofcrows #nomourners #nofunerals #mpls #twincities
A book, a cat, and a day off! #nomourners #nofunerals @surlyspice #TikiHandsomeCat
I'm almost done and I can't wait to see how it ends but I am absolutely terrified of losing any of these characters that I've grown to love. #nomourners #nofunerals
Wow this series was so awesome! I flew through this book and I'm so glad I got to come back to the world with Kaz and his crew. I loved this duology and now I plan on reading her other series. The stakes are high in this book and there are so many twists, turns, and surprises in it. Highly recommend this series. #nomourners #nofunerals
I finished this a while ago but think I've only just come to terms with the fact that my time with the dregs is over. There will be rereads tho, many many rereads ❤️💔❤️#nomourners #nofunerals