#SeptinBooks18 Day 11: #NeedstobeaTVShow
Psy-Changeling Series by Nailini Singh!!
It was a tie with WOT though...
#SeptinBooks18 Day 11: #NeedstobeaTVShow
Psy-Changeling Series by Nailini Singh!!
It was a tie with WOT though...
Silly, gory and just plain fun! This quick read is an engaging and bloody story that is hard to put down! Definitely a good read for some dark chuckles- one of the more #HumorousBooks that I‘ve read in a while!! And while this isn‘t really my first pick for #NeedsToBeATVShow.... I can see getting totally hooked on it!! #ReadingResolutions #SeptInBooks18 @Jess7 @bookisglee
#needstobeatvshow #septinbooks18 @bookisglee This would make a great biopic /documentary/miniseries
While reading this book, I came to the conclusion that this book needs to be a tv show!
Day 11 - #needstobeatvshow #rulesofcivility #amortowles
#SeptInBooks #NeedsToBeATvShow
I'll admit that k've only read the first novel in the Long Prince Quartet, but that's so awesome l'll go just by it.
The Asian inspired fantasy setting alone is worth seeing, the original culture created for these characters (with the peculiar body language and that magic sistem based on poetry) is among the awesomest fantasy inventions l've ever read.
Really need to finish reading this series.
These two had #NothingInCommon at least when it came to their politics #SeptemberDanes
I think it #NeedsToBeATVShow I'd watch it #SeptInBooks18