This was a bit of a disappointment after The shafow of the wind. David Martin slightly annoyed me and I just couldn't care what happened to him. The ending was exciting though.
#bookcrossing #MTBR #ownedsince2011
This was a bit of a disappointment after The shafow of the wind. David Martin slightly annoyed me and I just couldn't care what happened to him. The ending was exciting though.
#bookcrossing #MTBR #ownedsince2011
What a doorstopper. Currently reading this beast. Slowly getting there. #translation #bookcrossing #MTBR #ownedsince2011
Many a #mtbr 🏔️ to read but I've fallen into a bit of a slump again, so it's weird choices again. Found this on Scribd, meant to read it since reading a Guardian article by a woman who was more of a Jane Austen reader but thought the books were really good.
#mtbr 🏔️ is about to be tackled so I can finish some books today. Up late last night reading most of this sexy little number I found on Kindle unlimited, not far from finishing it then I have the end of Inventory and some #Pigeonhole books to finish. Might actually get around to some library reading too, although it's been nice reading some lighter things.
Drowning in #mtbr 🏔️ at the moment, I think it's a combination of finding The Explosion Chronicles quite difficult and just being tired, stressed and with a slight cold. Hoping to finish a book shortly and this is going to be a #libraryfail if I don't hurry up and read it.
Falling into some odd books at the moment. Know I should be tackling #mtbr 🏔️ but it looks like I'm about to start another.
As if I am not already reading enough...
#mtbr 🏔️
#cantstopstartingbooks #justonemore
I really need to #hititorquitit and tackle #mtbr 🏔️ but there are so many books I feel like reading right now!
Having read Mantel's Cromwell series and Alison Weir's fictional biography of Katherine of Aragon I would like to read more about the men pulling Henry's strings. Bought this ages ago. Ignore the terrible bookmark, I found it in a library book and I am not that precious about bookmarks (altho not to the point of using sweet wrappers. I wasn't brought up in a barn 😉). #Tudor #history #mtbr 🏔️