I'M DONE!! 🎉🎉 After 15 months, I wrapped up #morningswithmarcel.
It was a journey and there were some rough spots, but overall, I loved it. Brilliant! 🌸💗🌸
I'M DONE!! 🎉🎉 After 15 months, I wrapped up #morningswithmarcel.
It was a journey and there were some rough spots, but overall, I loved it. Brilliant! 🌸💗🌸
My plan for 2023 was to tackle Proust's masterpiece, to spend my #morningswithMarcel. I figured it would be slow-going and that it might take me longer than a year.
And I was right.
I have about 100 pages left in Volume 5 (the hardest to get through BY FAR). Then one more volume.
It has been an enriching, stimulating, moving, and at time, dull and/or infuriating reading experience thus far. Will be sad & happy when I finally complete it.
Finished another volume. This one felt longer, maybe because the narrator is growing increasingly annoying (and my annoying I mean a jealous, possessive a$$hole ?).That said, reading his depictions of gay men ("inverse" in early 20th century parlance) and gay relationships is fascinating knowing that Proust himself was gay. Because I would not say it's exactly flattering. (The narrator in the book is not.)
On to Volume 5! #morningswithMarcel
On to Volume 4. #morningswithmarcel
Finished the second volume of In Search of Lost Time. It marks the end of his first love with Gilberte and the introduction to his new love Albertine. (And much, much more of course! Such a crude summary fails to capture Proustian expansiveness.) I'm still into, still entranced, although some of his descriptions of young women did make me 🙄🤢🙄🤢🙄🤢
Onward to Volume 3! #morningswithmarcel
Zipporah, Jethro's's daughter -- a small detail from Botticelli's "The Trials of Moses."
I looked up this painting (like many Proust readers before me) because Swann believes Odette resembles this portrait, which helps him fall in love with her.
(It would seem that is not a great reason to fall in love with someone, or might not lead to lasting happiness.)
I'm about halfway through Volume 1. Still enjoying my #morningswithMarcel