Sunday morning vibes with Precious 😍 #preciousthecat #textsfromjaneeyre #booksbrewsandbooze #malloryortberg #elizabethgilbertrecommends #literaryhumor
Sunday morning vibes with Precious 😍 #preciousthecat #textsfromjaneeyre #booksbrewsandbooze #malloryortberg #elizabethgilbertrecommends #literaryhumor
I‘m dissatisfied, I thought this was going to be better than it was. I enjoyed three of the stories but was incredibly confused or bored by the rest 😞 #themerryspinster #malloryortberg #fairytaleretelling
The most important part of packing for vacation is getting my reading in order. I can't wait to chill out with each of these- Sex With Shakespeare will be up first! #vacationreads #jilliankeenan #emilygiffin #malloryortberg