#bookvsfilm : I haven‘t seen the movie yet so I‘ll hold my judgment on this. The book is ok, but I‘d pick #loverosie over #psiloveyou. #ceceliaahern
#bookvsfilm : I haven‘t seen the movie yet so I‘ll hold my judgment on this. The book is ok, but I‘d pick #loverosie over #psiloveyou. #ceceliaahern
I love this book! I‘m sure I‘ll be reading it again someday. The lady protagonist is strong, feisty and witty, and hers is one of the best modern-day un-sappy love stories I‘ve come to know so far, told in an unusual narrative and form. Five stars, two thumbs up, and all that—recommended read for all “cynical romantics”. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #loverosie #ceceliaahern
#bookvsfilm : Ditch the movie. Read the book instead to get to know the real #rosiedunne
“Magandang tanghali” means “good afternoon”, which I think is an awkward way to greet someone with in Tagalog on a postcard/letter. I would‘ve gone with “mabuhay!”, which means to say “live!”, as it‘s our more common welcome greeting to our visitors in the Philippines. Just sharing. 🇵🇭🙂 And to hardcore bibliophiles out there—I did NOT draw a red circle on my book, I just edited the photo. #mabuhay #ceceliaahern #loverosie #rosiedunn
Josh takes chances; he‘s braver than I am. He always takes that extra step when he nos he shouldn‘t. He does it anyway and he learns. I think we adults have a to learn from that. Perhaps not to be so afraid and oversensible about reaching for goals. #loverosie #rosiedunne #ceceliaahern
If I could just erase the image of his lips kissing someone else‘s every time he talks to me. Every time he touches me my skin crawls and I feel so much hate for him it‘s unnerving. It‘s hard for my wounds to be healed by the very same man who put them there. #loverosie #ceceliaahern #rosiedunne
"Not everybody walks away, Rosie. They might in your life, but not in mine."
#ceciliaahern #loverosie #whererainbowsend
Catching up on #FeistyFeb #LiteraryCrush is Mark Darcy in #BridgetJonessDiary - #DiverseLoveStories is Ashes to Ashes (Which I haven't read yet) - #LoveTriangles is #TheHungerGames - #LoveTitles is #LoveRosie - #CandyColouredCovers is #PSILoveYou - #PalateCleanser is #AtHomeinMitford - #FanficHomage is #Fangirl (which I didn't like). 😅