Of course I'm behind...gotta catch up! Day 31. AUGUST WRAP UP #augustofpages #livelaughbooksaugust #serialtalesinaugust #challengebookamajig #augustwrapup
Of course I'm behind...gotta catch up! Day 31. AUGUST WRAP UP #augustofpages #livelaughbooksaugust #serialtalesinaugust #challengebookamajig #augustwrapup
Day 29. IMPULSE BUY BOOK • GEEK OUT • DON'TJUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER Day 30. AUGUST HAUL #augustofpages #impulsebuy #augusthaul #haul #bookhaul #geekout #coyerphoto #dontjudgeabookbyitscover #livelaughbooksaugust #serialtalesinaugust
Story is picking up...Day 17. FAVE PLACE TO RELAX • THRIFT BOOKS (2) • TBR PILE #augustofpages #livelaughbooksaugust #thriftbooks #nationalthriftday #serialtalesaugust
Ok, here we go, 3 birds, 1 stone! Day 12. BOOKISH MERCH • LATEST PURCHASE • CURRENT OBSESSIONS #livelaughbooksaugust #serialtalesinaugust #challengebookamajig