205 pages. Incredible story about 2 men who went for hunting in Siberia. Cold, harsh living conditions and philosophy of living in the nature, with nature, and taking only essentials out of it.
#nature #lithuanianauthor #siberia #taiga #hunting
205 pages. Incredible story about 2 men who went for hunting in Siberia. Cold, harsh living conditions and philosophy of living in the nature, with nature, and taking only essentials out of it.
#nature #lithuanianauthor #siberia #taiga #hunting
278 p. Poet NÄ—ris had an exceptional talent, though very little brain for politics. Fascinated by the Soviet ideas all of her life she worked for them and only on her death bed realized how badly she betrayed her nation. Many people defend her, many people hate her. After reading her whole life story, even if she's a great poet, I still cannot justify many of her obviously stupid decisions.
#lithuanianauthor #poet #salomejaneris
4th book, 397 pages. Promissing set up, weak ending. All the flow so elaborated, and the ending seemed rushed. After the 2nd book, that was so well-written, I would have expected more.
#silvarerum #sabaliauskaite #lithuanianauthor
2 part of the Saga, 294 pages. Amazing continuation, liked it way more than the 1st part! Ursula, the daughter of Norvaiša, is continuing her life lonely, in Vilnius of 18th century that is now being ruled by plague.
#sabaliauskaite #lithuanianauthor #silvarerum #plague
334 pages. Last day of imperatrice, she's on her death bed remembering her incredible story. Thrown through wars she managed to become a ruler of Russia. It is a realistic story of Cindirella in 18th century. However, the content towards the end started to become repetitive: sex and alcohol, which soon bored me quite a lot.
#sabaliauskaite #imperatrice #lithuanianauthor