As #nationalsiblingsday comes to an end, here is one of my favorite groups of literary siblings. The Ingalls girls. #littlehouse #lauraingallswilder #literarysiblings #siblings
As #nationalsiblingsday comes to an end, here is one of my favorite groups of literary siblings. The Ingalls girls. #littlehouse #lauraingallswilder #literarysiblings #siblings
#bookishsiblings #literarysiblings I scoured my shelves and after process of elimination I decided upon Laura and Mary Ingalls. I read and reread this series when I was a girl, and as much as I loved wild and daring Laura and wanted to be her, I really was more like prim and well-behaved Mary. Their relationship as sisters seems pretty typical to me--close enough, but also fraught with competition and personality clashes. I don't have a sister.
Another one for #AugustofPages #BookPhotoChallenge #LiterarySiblings I have a soft spot for this great book as it was the first I read after being invited to join a friend's very exclusive FB book club consisting of me and...two brothers! 😂 #favsiblings
#AugustofPages #BookPhotoChallenge I'm loving all the #LiterarySiblings so much that I've decided to jump into this challenge and share some of my faves, the March sisters. When I was 10 or 11, I wanted to be Jo March so badly and as the youngest of 7 (5 girls and 2 boys) I could definitely relate to a house full of women. #favsiblings
I have to follow my heart. I love the Weasley twins so much. I used to walk around talking about how I wanted to marry them as a pair. Admit it-at least half of you did, too! #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge #literarysiblings Day 12