My dad is not a dancer. Finding the right music for when the DJ announced #LetsDance was one of the highlights of wedding planning.
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails
My dad is not a dancer. Finding the right music for when the DJ announced #LetsDance was one of the highlights of wedding planning.
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails
#currentlyreading for #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon. Here's the results when he suggested to Kamala #letsdance
Oh Daisy and your sweet sweet heart. ❤️️
#LetsDance #SpeechBubbleChallenge @TricksyTails #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon
Jimmy Junior loves to dance! #LetsDance
Again, with Tina and her butt love. 😂😂
You can always count on Jimmy Jr. dancing.
I read this one on my PC so the pictures aren‘t the best.
#LetsDance #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon
A graphic memoir of the author, academic Mary Talbot, who is the daughter of James Joyce scholar James S Atherton (a rather obsessive man w an explosive temper). The story of Joyce's daughter Lucia runs parallel. Lucia longs to be a dancer but spends the last 30 yrs of her life in a mental institution.
I have no interest in Joyce but this was an interesting read.
Love the illustrations by Talbot's husband (who did Alice in Sunderland)
If I had a nickel for every time I had to tell some guy this...
#speechbubblechallenge #letsdance #💃🏽🕺🏻 #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
#letsdance! (I miss swing dancing)