My 35th birthday present to myself ❤️ #waitingononebook #joehill #stephenking #carlsagan #johnkrakauer #gillianflynn #jonathansafranfoer #laurahillenbrand #jojomoyes #barbarakingsolver #benjaminhoff #sharoncreech #daveeggers #khaledhosseini
My 35th birthday present to myself ❤️ #waitingononebook #joehill #stephenking #carlsagan #johnkrakauer #gillianflynn #jonathansafranfoer #laurahillenbrand #jojomoyes #barbarakingsolver #benjaminhoff #sharoncreech #daveeggers #khaledhosseini
I didn't feel like the photo for this book needed any bells & whistles. It's not a pretty story. This is easily one of the best #nonfiction books I've ever #read. An unbelievable story of #survival. It's amazing what a human being can endure. Highly recommend this #book. Reading Challenge 2017 - a book with over 500 #pages 🤓 #bookstagram #readingchallenge #Unbroken #LauraHillenbrand #LouisZamperini #worldwartwo #ww2 #runner #pow #survivor
Opening line:
Charles Howard had the feel of a gigantic on rushing machine: You had to either climb on or leap out of the way."
#bookgnome #seabiscuit #laurahillenbrand