It was a great story. I‘m glad that it‘s being adapted into a series by Syfy. #killorbekilled #edbrubaker
It was a great story. I‘m glad that it‘s being adapted into a series by Syfy. #killorbekilled #edbrubaker
Another good volume of the graphic novel series known as Kill or Be Killed by Ed Brubaker. I feel sorry for Dylan because things are only going to get worse for him. #killorbekilled #edbrubaker #graphicnovel #goodreads #goodreadschallenge
Just picked this up at #BarnesandNoble today. I am looking forward to reading it. I‘m still excited that #Killorbekilled is being developed into a TV show that will air on SYFY. #edbrubaker #graphicnovels #imagecomics
I feel so sorry for Dylan because he‘s in a bad spot. I really like this series a lot. I was surprised that he was in a relationship with Daisy that was revealed in the previous Vol as the future. Also, I get the feeling that something is going to happen to either Daisy or his mom. That demon is not happy. The cop won‘t let go and the Russians are after him. I can‘t wait to read Volume 3 in January. #killorbekilled #edbrubaker