This is #jinxcat‘s PSA for those who love a little romance and a little fantasy to just go read the book🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻. That‘s all🤩🤩
This is #jinxcat‘s PSA for those who love a little romance and a little fantasy to just go read the book🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻. That‘s all🤩🤩
Little bit of daytime reading in between my night shifts at the hospital💀 really enjoying the flow of this story! Cozy cat 1 and 2 accompanying me😻 #theyreactuallymycats #jinxcat #finankitten #catsoflitsy
Can anyone say Sunday reading! Been meaning to start this for at least a month and finally have a bit of downtime. Featuring #finankitten my in-house snuggler and #jinxcat guarding the door😂😍 #theyreactuallymycats #catsoflitsy #hygge #blanketsandcandles #snuggles #thehuntress
So for a while I wasn‘t posting on here because I wasn‘t reading as much but I just remembered I hadn‘t ever introduced my new cat Finan! Some may remember #jinxcat from posts long ago but I decided he needed a friend☺️ Finan is definitely a book lovers cat because he LOVES to cuddle up on your lap and be a personal heater☺️ #finankitten #hesactuallymycat #theyreactuallymycats #catsoflitsy
1. Born and raised in Casper, WY🏔 live in Mosier, OR now
2. The Alchemist or Fahrenheit 451 depending on the day☺️
3. Harry Potter⚡️
4. Don‘t have one😬
5. Greys Anatomy or Altered Carbon
6. Ed Sheeran😍
7. Green💚
8. Historical Fiction
9. Orthopedic Clinic as a Rad Tech💀
10. #jinxcat #hesactuallymycat 😸
Just had to share this pic of Jinx while I was leveling up in D&D. He totally just laid right on top of my book😻 too cute!! #litcat #dungeons #dragons #jinxcat #hesactuallymycat #catsoflitsy
I‘ll make a literary cat out of him yet😂😻 #jinxcat #catsoflitsy #hesactuallymycat #catonabookshelf
Finally got all my books moved and organized on the new shelf! My last one was far too small and I had to upgrade. I got Jinx‘s stamp of approval☺️😻📚 Moving with books is an absolute nightmare but I wouldn‘t have it any other way!! #movingwithbooks #organizedshelf #jinxcat #hesactuallymycat #catsoflitsy #jinx
My page holder is now a page blocker😂 he‘s out cold and I apparently am being told it‘s bedtime by this action😂 #jinxcat #hesactuallymycat #catsoflitsy #pageblocked #onemorepage