All of these books have something in common. Can you figure out what it is?
#revellbooks #christianfiction #thomaslocke #janekirkpatrick #laurafrantz #jilleileensmith #guessinggame
All of these books have something in common. Can you figure out what it is?
#revellbooks #christianfiction #thomaslocke #janekirkpatrick #laurafrantz #jilleileensmith #guessinggame
More #bookmail! Hooray! Really looking forward to reading The Heart of a King by #JillEileenSmith I‘m a happy member of the book‘s launch team 😀 You can #preorder now through your favourite online or physical bookstore. Visit Jill‘s website at http://www.jilleileensmith.com
#TheHeartofaKing #newbook #historical #Biblicalfiction #historicalfiction #KingSolomon
Just a tiny book haul to add to my already massive #TBR. Because why not? I could have more expensive and worse hobbies than buying discount books... 😁
#Michal #jilleileensmith #randyalcorn #safelyhome #thriftbooks #newtome #notmybirthday #butfeelslikeit