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An inspiring survival story. Unimaginable value of friendship, kindness, love & spreading happiness. One of the must read books. 5🌟

#nonfiction2022 #survivor #memoir #holocaust #Jewishauthor #WW #bookspinbingo #freespace

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Night | Elie Wiesel
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This is just heart-wrenching. I hadn't read it before and now I see why it won the Nobel Peace Prize. #Booked2021#JewishAuthor @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Cinfhen The only book I‘ve read several times and each time my heart breaks all over. 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage It is so intense … 3y
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This book didn‘t completely hang together but the topic was really interesting: the creation of the Jewish state of Birobidzhan in remote Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution, with some support from the Jewish community and some from the Soviets who wanted to push Jews further west, increasing after the Holocaust and almost completely destroyed by Stalin.Like my previous review, this is very much a story of diaspora.
#Booked2021 #JewishAuthor

Cinfhen Wow 😯 I‘ve never heard about this place or experiment before!! It‘s so shocking. Sorry the book was a little dry but the topic is fascinating. 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Gessen does some remarkable writing, but I hadn‘t heard of this book. Thanks! 3y
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I needed something light when my brain needs a break from Zhivago, so I grabbed this one from the library for #Booked2021 #JewishAuthor/MC

@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Someone else picked this one up….they enjoyed!!! I bet it‘s fun 🤩 3y
alisiakae This looks cute! 3y
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This book has been on my shelf for too long, but since it was my #doublespin pick this month, I was motivated to finally read it! I saw myself reflected in so much of this -- it was nice to feel like maybe it's okay to be the observer in a crowd. And I thought the chapter on relationships was particularly interesting.

Bonus: this satisfies a #booked2021 prompt: #Jewishauthor

@TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Awesomeness!! This book has just been nominated for my IRL bookclub - I read it years ago but I wouldn‘t mind a re-read 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Jews Dont Count | David Baddiel
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Starting fall now #booked2021 #jewishauthor
With this very interesting essay by British comedian David baddiel about anti semitism and that it is a racism ignored at a period when society is very aware of discrimination in all forms but the stereotypes from Fagan to greedy bankers which informed the historic dislike +persecution of Jewish people still influences the language of politics +media.
@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen I saw a BookTube post about this one! Sounds really sharp!! Glad you picked it up. 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Interesting! 3y
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The March: A Novel | E. L. Doctorow
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Read for #Booked2021 Fall edition/Jewish author

This was similar in style to Doctorow‘s masterpiece ‘Ragtime‘ in its depiction of a moment in history told from multiple viewpoints. Not all who join at the start of Sherman‘s march from Augusta GA to Durham NC will finish. As with any novel about war, there‘s a lot of brutality and sadness; some hope too, but we know now the US Civil War would expose a wound which is still not healed to this day.

Cinfhen Ohhhh, I loved Ragtime!!! Didn‘t realize this was a #JewishAuthor 3y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen I adored Ragtime too. No other Doctorow novel has quite lived up to it, but I keep trying!😂 3y
EvieBee He‘s on my list of authors to read. I own Ragtime. 3y
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Ruthiella @EvieBee Ragtime is where I started with him. I highly recommend it! 👍 3y
Centique Ragtime is one of my all time favourite books too @Ruthiella @Cinfhen Nobody IRL seems to have ever heard of it, but to find you guys are fans reminds me again that Litsy is the best place💕😍 3y
Centique I loved Worlds Fair too by him and I quite enjoyed a couple of others. Must read some more. 3y
Ruthiella @Centique Indeed! Litsy is where hardcore readers find kindred spirits. 😍 3y
Ruthiella @Centique World‘s Fair is on my list! But first I want to reread The Waterworks because I read it over 20 years ago but have no memory of it. I‘ve grown and changed as a reader since then and so want to revisit. 3y
Centique @Ruthiella I want to revisit Ragtime and Worlds Fair for the same reason - thank you for reminding me. Let me know when you decide to read Waterworks and maybe we could make it a Doctorow month or something? 3y
Ruthiella @Centique Sounds like a plan! I am pretty open to any time since I don‘t have family commitments like you do. Is there a particular month that works best for you coming up? I‘d totally be up for a reread of Ragtime too. We could make 2022 the year of ELD! 🤔 (edited) 3y
KCofKaysville @Ruthiella I want to read this too and have a copy. I am always interested in the Civil War. 3y
Centique @Ruthiella YES! So excited to make it the year of ELD (not that I‘m likely to read all his works or anything!) Do you want to start with reading one in January? I don‘t mind if you want to start earlier - nov or dec is fine for me - or whether we read the same ones or not. 3y
Ruthiella @KCofKaysville If you‘re interested in fiction about the Civil War, I think you will like this. Some of it is told from Sherman‘s perspective which I found really interesting. 3y
Ruthiella @Centique Let‘s read The Waterworks in November then. Okee Dokee? Then we can move on to Worlds Fair and Ragtime in subsequent months. 😃 3y
Centique @Ruthiella excellent! I think I‘ve read it before many years ago too but I do love a reread. 3y
Cinfhen I‘d love to join you @Ruthiella @Centique on the re-read and his other books but I‘m in a #brainhaze and don‘t want to commit / however if I get my 💩together I may join you!! If that‘s ok??!!? 3y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen Fabulous! We‘ll let you know when we start! 👍 3y
Cinfhen Perfect!! Thanks 😊 3y
Centique @Ruthiella I just wanted to give you a heads up that I don‘t think I‘m going to have a copy of the book in time for our Buddy read. We‘re still in lockdown, and it‘s looking like shops and libraries will stay closed till the end of November. I could buy the ebook but I‘d rather get a hard copy to go with my other Doctorows. Don‘t let that stop you though if you‘re ready. 💕 3y
Ruthiella @Centique No problem. I‘m in no hurry! Let me know when you get a copy. I understand that you want to complete your hardcover collection properly! 💕 3y
Centique @Ruthiella thank you! 😘 3y
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The Dovekeepers: A Novel | Alice Hoffman
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I love what Hoffman has done here, weaving true events into a gripping and devastating historical fiction from the perspective of 4 women at Masada in 70 CE, as the fortification of Jewish rebels is surrounded by a Roman legion, not long after the Second Temple is destroyed in Jerusalem.

Jewish fiction that is not set during the Holocaust is SO rare, and I am here for it. Although some Jewish romance or contemporary fare would be nice too!

KarenUK Nice triple dip! 💕📚 3y
Librarybelle Hooray for the triple whammy! 3y
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SaunteringVaguelyDownwards You may or may not be interested in Tell Me How This Ends Well, about a Jewish family figuring out what to do about their overbearing patriarch in a near-future realistic setting. 3y
alisiakae @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards that one sounds interesting! 3y
GondorGirl Rachael Lynne Solomon is a Jewish contemporary author who does some really charming romance. I've read and enjoyed both her YA and adult books. 3y
ScientistSam I agree, it's so hard to find! I liked Spinning Silver (fantasy, loosely based on medieval Eastern Europe with a primary Jewish character) and I read a historical romance short story by Rose Lerner in an anthology of US Revolutionary War romance. I have to say Spinning Silver blew my mind. I didn't realize I was searching for Jewish characters until I read one. 3y
Cinfhen Wonderful review and interesting observation!! The Golem and the Jinni and it‘s sequel is a cool blend of fantasy and romance with Jewish characters. Also JSF book was HILARIOUS and a contemporary Jewish anti- love story 3y
Cinfhen I probably have lots more to recommend but I‘m drawing a blank. Jamie Attenberg writes Jewish characters and this was another loosely based HF which I enjoyed 3y
Ruthiella Anything by Michael Chabon. 3y
Clare-Dragonfly Have you read anything by Shira Glassman? I haven‘t 😆 but I know she writes queer Jewish romance! 3y
alisiakae @ScientistSam ooh I didn‘t know Spinning Silver has a Jewish MC, I own that book but haven‘t read it yet. @Cinfhen thanks for the recs! 3y
Cinfhen I‘m also intrigued by 3y
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The Dovekeepers: A Novel | Alice Hoffman
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The month of Av in the Hebrew calendar starts tomorrow, so reading this chapter now seems quite fortuitous. This is my selection for #booked2021 #jewishauthor. I just saw your older excellent review on GR @Cinfhen which really has me looking forward to this read, and possibly learning a bit more about a historical event I only have very superficial knowledge of.

Suet624 I thought I had read this one, but if so I don't remember a thing about it. Now I want to check it out. 3y
Cinfhen Thanks, Alisa!! This is one of my favorite Hoffman novels 💕💕💕 and I know @TrishB loved it too!!!! It‘s really good 😊 3y
TrishB One of my fave books and covers ❤️ @Cinfhen 3y
alisiakae @TrishB I found my copy in a free little library without a dust jacket, so I just had to look up the cover, and you're right, it is a beautiful cover! 3y
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#ReadingAsia21 #Hoopla #Brunei 🇧🇳 Just started and I‘m hooked 🎧 another book choice for #Booked2021 #JewishAuthor I can already tell author Jillian Lauren is going to polarize readers, but I like her.

BarbaraBB Sounds good. You had another tough night? I hope things will calm down soon 🤞🏽💚 3y
Librarybelle Thanks to @squirrelbrain , I have this for #Brunei as well! 3y
Cinfhen Quiet night for us but definitely not quiet in other towns @BarbaraBB It‘s a mess, really sad 😔 3y
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Cinfhen I‘m loving it @Librarybelle it‘s such a CRAZY story!! I‘m enjoying listening to Jillian narrate the audio 3y
Lizpixie Just coincidentally, last night I watched a documentary on Stan(like Aussie Netflix)about this authors relationship with Americas most prolific serial killer Sam Little while she‘s writing a true crime about his life & exploits. It‘s very twisted & hard to watch honestly.🙈 3y
Cortg Thinking of you! Stay safe and keep posting so we know you‘re ok! ❤️ 3y
Cinfhen Wow!! That‘s nuts @Lizpixie this author is quite the character/ she‘s lead a pretty notorious life😜 3y
Cinfhen Thank you @Cortg I hope I have brighter news to share in the days to come 💕🙏🏼 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thinking of you ❤️ 3y
Cinfhen Thanks so much, Misty!!! It‘s been a little rough but somehow you just keep living like it‘s just a another normal day @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 3y
squirrelbrain It felt to me that these girls” lives were rather empty and sad, but I can imagine how it might come across differently in the author‘s own voice. @Librarybelle Thinking of you Cindy, hope you‘re doing OK. 😘 3y
Cinfhen It‘s been quiet last 24 hours for me personally @squirrelbrain but unfortunately the situation is really volatile 😔it‘s not looking good for any resolutions any time soon 3y
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