Eddie “Trouble” Rosas has just gotten out after 5 years in jail. Carmen is a good girl chef with a taste for the bad boy. Their hidden past lies in them growing up in East L.A. Hopkins did a wonderful job of painting the neighborhood and the culture that resides there. While Eddie is trying to turn straight and be the good guy Carmen sees in him, the old gang life calls. Lots of steamy scenes, a good story, a pick!!! #loveinthetimeofthecoronovirus
Centique Chefs and LA - that sounds good to me! How‘re you doing @Reggie ?💕 5y
Reggie @Centique Pretty good, how bout you, Paula? We were told today our casino is closing for 2 weeks. So there‘s that. We‘re gonna get paid for it but we might have to come in and deep clean for 4 hours a day to get the 8hr pay. Which is not bad at all. So we‘ll see how it goes. 5y
Centique @Reggie I figured casinos would probably be closing there. Im glad you‘re getting paid! I think they will close here too soon. At the moment it‘s just mass gatherings that are cancelled - concerts and festivals. We‘re good though - can do most of our work online and by Skype. 5y
See All 29 Comments
Bookzombie @Reggie Great review! So glad to hear you will get paid while the casino is closed. Even with the 4 hours work, I hope you get a lot of reading in and stay healthy. 🙂 5y
readordierachel Your hashtag 😆 5y
Cathythoughts I love this hashtag too @readordierachel 😍👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts I hope you are getting on ok Reggie in this shocking time , sending love X 5y
JoyBlue Nice cover! 5y
Reggie @Cathythoughts @Centique @JoyBlue Debby, today I thought about John Corey before you replied because there is a coworker who was telling us he almost had a panic attack thinking about how bad things were getting until his 90 yo grandfather talked him down. The coworker is 50. I thought about how in 2001 I was 22, living on my own when 9/11 happened and waiting on tables trying to hide my own personal fear of what what would happen if war came to 5y
Reggie the states would I be drafted, what if our restaurant closed, how would I survive, 2008 and the recession happened, gas went above 4$, what were me and my family gonna do? And then some other events and you start to get tired of living in fear of all the ways your mind can mess with you, so now I‘m a lot better and told myself until that very horrible thing happens I‘m not gonna make myself feel worse. So me, myself, I‘m doing great, cleaning the (edited) 5y
Reggie casino has kinda made me focus on other things I need to do. Debby the whole point of this was that Nelson Demille has a book that ends with the 9/11 events and it also has John Corey, who has just the right amount of snark to balance out the horrible stuff demille writes about. Paula and Cathy, thank you lovely ladies for checking up on me. How are you two doing? 5y
Cathythoughts I‘m doing ok , thanks Reggie. But I do get waves of fear. My daughter who recently moved back home for awhile is a nurse & so I worry about her now as the numbers are growing in her hospital... but it will be ok. As I say , the fear comes in waves ... and then at times I can be more rational.. but there is an underlying tension around for sure. Thanks friend for asking X chat soon & mind yourself. The goodness in us humans is coming out too ❤️ (edited) 5y
Reggie @Cathythoughts You ever need to vent, friend, you can come and type it out here. I hope nothing but the best health for you and your family. Take care of yourself, Cathy.❤️ 5y
Centique @Reggie I‘m so glad to hear that Reggie. I‘m worried about people‘s mental health poss even more than the virus. I know many who‘s depression and anxiety will be spiking. So I want to try and put positive stuff out to others as much as possible. Our city isn‘t in lockdown but a lot of (wealthier) people have gone into isolation ahead of any advice - along with buying up a whole lot of supplies. 🤷🏻♀️ Not helpful for the poor & elderly ☹️ 5y
Centique Your comments cheered me a lot and I hope ppl read them and feel buoyed. I also think about London during the Blitz and how ppl coped and helped each other even though it was so terrible and went on for so long. We can do this 👍 5y
Suet624 Reggie I‘m so glad you‘re at least getting paid. Although I wish you didn‘t have to clean. I want you home safe and sound. 5y
vivastory I'm sorry to hear about this, Reggie! I agree with you about having some perspective on the fear. I've also found myself thinking a lot about the uncertainty following both 9/11 & the economic crash of '08. 5y
JoyBlue @Reggie 💙 5y
Bookzombie @Reggie I just wanted to check in. How are you doing? I hope well and getting lots of reading in. 🙂🧁 5y
ValerieAndBooks Checking in — hope things are (relatively) well for you Reggie 💖😘 5y
TrishB Hi Reggie 👋 hope you‘re ok 😘 5y
TheWintergarden 💛😊💛 5y
Reggie @Bookzombie @ValerieAndBooks @TrishB Thanks, ladies, for the check in. I have not read a book in over a week. Just been playing a lot of cards with a family full of cheaters! And gaming but no books. Hopefully by this weekend something grabs my attention. Hope all is well with you all! 5y
GatheringBooks Reggie!!! do know i am thinking of you and reading this thread and catching up on your posts and your reading. boy, a lot of romance there! best read i see #inthetimeofcovid! loooooveit! 5y
ValerieAndBooks All‘s good here so far. And whatever helps you take your mind off things is good, it doesn‘t always have to be books 💖 5y
Bookzombie @Reggie So glad to hear you are alright, even though you have a family full of cheaters. 🙂 Things are okay here. 5y
Reggie @Bookzombie I don‘t think I know what you do for work? I know you said you worked at a call center once upon a time. Is your work still open? Do you work from home? How‘s Papa 🐻? We were told not to come back after the first week of cleaning because our governor shut down all nonessential work. I just haven‘t been able to read. 5y
Bookzombie @Reggie I‘m a claims processor for United Healthcare. I already worked from home so nothing has really changed for me as far as work goes. I was off yesterday and today, but I had scheduled that a while ago. Papa 🐻 is okay. He is a freelance editor so he is not getting work. Are you still being paid? I hope so. Reading has been intermittent for me. If I pick something up, I can read for a bit. It‘s just that I‘m not always picking something up. 5y
Bookzombie @Reggie How are you feeling? We are both emotionally all over the place. I find it easier to escape via tv, movies and YouTube than my husband does. 5y