Still laughing at "bargoon". This was weird and funny and poetic, also very queer! Recommended in audiobook format! #QueerBooks #IndigenousBooks #NativeReads #LGBTQBooks
Still laughing at "bargoon". This was weird and funny and poetic, also very queer! Recommended in audiobook format! #QueerBooks #IndigenousBooks #NativeReads #LGBTQBooks
This is an experimental novel / not really a novel by western conventional standards, as it is just as much academic theorizing as a narrative. On the sentence level I found a lot to love here, BRB is such an amazing wordsmith/poet. As a piece of fiction this is a meandering collection of conversations and throughts that ask questions and broach topics w/ no answers or resolutions. If you like that kind of thing + smart poetic writing, read this.
Friday Reads November 25 in which I talk about the books I‘ve read recently by:
Jody Wilson-Raybould;
Dawn Quigley;
Mathew James Weigel;
Johnnie Christmas;
Aaron Becker; and
Gengoroh Tagame.
#IndigenousBooks #booktube #CanadianAuthors #comics #kidlit
Friday Reads Nov 18
#skodenreadthon #Indigenousbooks #nonfictionnovember
GG winners; Louis Riel; art gallery trip; printing with carrots… a bit of everything in my latest booktube video:
The tagged book is one of six that I‘ve finished lately. See: Friday Reads Oct 28: #IndigenousBooks #Queer #Translations #Audiobooks #KidLit #CanLit #Booktube
My latest booktube video is all about graphic novels and picture books -
Friday Reads October 14: the visual narratives edition
#IndigenousBooks #Canadian #kidlit #comics
Booktube: Friday Reads September 30: National Day of Truth & Reconciliation; #Giller shortlist; #audiobooks #LGBTQ #IndigenousBooks #CanLit #ShadowGiller2022 #MiddleGradeFiction
@shawnmooney and I chat about the 2022 Giller longlist #CanLit #IndigenousBooks #booktube #GillerPrize #ShadowGiller2022
What a beginning! Also great audiobook narration so far. I thought I recognized the actor's voice and looked him up to realize he also performed in Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse. #IndigenousBooks #NativeReads #Horror