Still laughing at "bargoon". This was weird and funny and poetic, also very queer! Recommended in audiobook format! #QueerBooks #IndigenousBooks #NativeReads #LGBTQBooks
Still laughing at "bargoon". This was weird and funny and poetic, also very queer! Recommended in audiobook format! #QueerBooks #IndigenousBooks #NativeReads #LGBTQBooks
This is an experimental novel / not really a novel by western conventional standards, as it is just as much academic theorizing as a narrative. On the sentence level I found a lot to love here, BRB is such an amazing wordsmith/poet. As a piece of fiction this is a meandering collection of conversations and throughts that ask questions and broach topics w/ no answers or resolutions. If you like that kind of thing + smart poetic writing, read this.
The Thanksgiving Play is the best kind of satire-funny, smart, and biting. Taking shots at all-white school Thanksgiving plays, “woke” Americans, and the entertainment industry, this will become one I read every year. The second play, What Would Crazy Horse Do, was strange, surprising, and a bit upsetting. This is my first read of Fasthorse and ail quite bowled over by her skill and voice. #NativeReads #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth
What a beginning! Also great audiobook narration so far. I thought I recognized the actor's voice and looked him up to realize he also performed in Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse. #IndigenousBooks #NativeReads #Horror
I'm not sure how to talk about this book except to say it's a phenomenal collection of poetry. Reading Billy-Ray Belcourt feels like an enormous privilege. It's a collection where I had to stop myself from collecting every other line in my phone notes because it's all just so good. I love his play with language, his seamless shifts between tones, his irreverent humour, his powerful interrogation of colonialism, and, of course, the queerness.
"A white boyfriend of mine wanted me to be less beholden to the clouds. / I told him we are all at the mercy of the sky, for better or worse. / Part of me thinks he doesn't deserve to know / about this mode of attention, this art of description. / But I can't keep secrets. I am addicted / to the high of letting my own words forsake me."
"I make out with my imaginary NDN lover / on the ashes of every Canadian pastoral poem ever written."
!!!!! Love Jared, love this world
What a masterpiece! I've never read anything like this Indigenous epic fantasy. It's a remarkable achievement in storytelling, world-building, and character. There's so much richness of cultures, character motivations, politics, religions, genders, sexualities, and more, alongside an intricately woven plot with threads unfurling in different places at the same time. I loved the naturally integrated queer, nonbinary, and trans representation too!
Ahhhhhh this book is so good!! #QueerBooks #IndigenousBooks #NativeReads
A little disappointed in this book after so much anticipatory hype. It a fascinating story of injustice nonetheless...I hope there‘s some comeuppance in the end...
A neighborhood decoration to go with the title.
#scaryneighbors #orangevale #nativereads #indigathon