Just finished! And really liked it! Woot! 21 books in the first 21 (and a half) days of the 21st year of the 21st century! I love being a nerd. 🤣 #howjessreads2021
Just finished! And really liked it! Woot! 21 books in the first 21 (and a half) days of the 21st year of the 21st century! I love being a nerd. 🤣 #howjessreads2021
Ahh the Vanderbeekers. My kids have started this funny chant when they want to read some: Mo‘ Van-do-bee-ko! Mo‘ Van-do-bee-ko! 🤣 #howjessreads2021 #readaloud #raisingreaders
This was so interesting to me (as someone who grew up in almost 98% white baptist churches). The theology/history of the four main Black denominations aren‘t something I know a ton about. #howjessreads2021
A little dry (took me a bit to get into), but ended up being fascinating / led to a lot of googling. #howjessreads2021