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RECAP: the human benefit | Savita Bailur
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❄ 5 Winter Mustache on Cover: Truth or Beard

🌸 7 Spring Title Includes Library/Librarian: The Library at Mount Char
🌸 8 Spring Translated into Your First Language: Hadriana in All My Dreams

🌞 18 Summer Latinx Author: The Dead Girls

🍁 22 Fall #HiddenGem Underrated or Lesser Known Book: The Midnight Palace
🍁 23 Fall New in 2021: People We Meet on Vacation

#Booked2021 #Q4Recap @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen You still have time to enter the drawing!! Good luck 🍀 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Wonderful job! 3y
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The Weight of Ink | Rachel Kadish
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Just finished my last fall book for #booked2021 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Jewish author - tagged book
Characters are frenemies - Local Woman Missing
Book of poetry - You Can Not Burn the Sun
#HiddenGem - Admissions: A Memoir of Surviving Boarding School
New in 2021 - Cloud Cuckoo Land
Heart in title - The Heart's Invisible Furies

BarbaraTheBibliophage Wonderful!! Congrats! 👊🏻 3y
Cinfhen I was meh about this book too!! My bookclub loved it, I thought it was too long. Anyway, Woohoo 🙌🏻 Congrats on completing your final quarter of #Booked2021
♥️🎊♥️ here‘s the link for the drawing 😁Good luck 🍀

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Completed my summer and winter prompts for #Booked2021
#TitleIncludesLibraryorLibrarian: The Badass Librarians of Timbuktu
#Translated: NoFriendButTheMountains
#UNPeacekeepersAre: Salt Houses
#MusicalInstrument: ComingThroughSlaughter
#Anti-Racism: Caste
#Poetry: Here In Harlem
#Frenemies: Butter Honey Pig Bread
#Jewish: Where the Jews Aren‘t
#Blackjack21: Open Heart
#NewIn2021: Missed Connections
#HiddenGem: Chop Suey Nation

Cinfhen Woohoo!! Congrats 🎉🎊🍾 will tag you in a few days with the new link to record your prompts for the #Final2021Drawing (edited) 3y
Singout @Cinfhen Thank you! I can‘t believe I‘m done so early! 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Hopefully I‘ll have it ready over the weekend. But I can‘t guarantee—with the holiday family time. Might be early next week … 3y
Cinfhen No worries @BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘ll keep a list of who needs to be notified xx 😘 3y
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Loved this book...insights into many of the ways “Chinese food” has been defined in Canada through the author exploring diverse experiences of restauranteurs, mostly in small towns,on a cross-country trip. This is interesting enough, but greatly deepened by Hui‘s own story of engaging with her aging parents and learning things she had never known about her restaurant-owning family‘s history in China and Canada.

#Nonfiction2021 #Family

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Dogs on Doorsteps | Suzanne Stevenson
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Definitely my #hiddengem for #booked2021 - so hidden that I had to add it to the GR database myself! This is a book of photos born from the pandemic... portraits of dogs on doorsteps.

@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Sweet 🐾🥰 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice! Guarding their people or watching the world go by … 🐶💕 3y
ShelleyBooksie Your dog is adorable 3y
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Zikora | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Cinfhen Well done 👍🏽 I have not heard of this one ☺️ 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
fredamans I'm reading this one today! 3y
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The Haunted Vagina | Carlton Mellick
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Who knew a book about someone‘s vagina being a portal to another world could actually be heartwarming. As usual, you never know exactly where his stories will take you but you can trust that the journey will entertain, surprise and delight you.

At only 90 pages I‘m using this for #Booked2021 prompt under 150 pages

Book 7 on #BookSpinBingo

Yuki_Onna wtf??? 🤔 🙌 😆 🤘 😂 3y
Yuki_Onna @magyklyXdelish learning that such a book with this premise actually exists and you give it four stars is just hilarious and restoring some of my faith in humankind... 😅🤣
Thank you for brightening my week! 😘
(edited) 3y
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magyklyXdelish @Yuki_Onna no problem! If you ever happen to stumble across this in the wild I recommend it! It‘s only 90 pages so even if you don‘t like it you won‘t wast that much time haha. It‘s definitely really weird but the end made me go “awww” 🤣 3y
Yuki_Onna @magyklyXdelish 😁 the ending made you do awww???... 🤔 😆 🤔 omg, I so NEED this book in my life! 🤣 i'll let you know when i've found and read it, ok? 🤓 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
Cinfhen Mic drop 🎤 🙌🏻♥️this could also work for #HiddenGem 😆 3y
Mrs_B I'm equal parts confused and intrigued! 😂 3y
Come-read-with-me I‘m with Mrs_B! 3y
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The Opium Prince | Jasmine Aimaq
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Set in 1970s #Afghanistan, amid the West‘s attempts to eradicate the poppy fields used for opium and the beginnings of a Communist takeover of the Afghan government, The Opium Prince is a twisty thriller that alternates between the tales of two men whose lives becomes entwined. The story is engaging, with twists I didn‘t anticipate (and one or two I did), and I highly recommend the audiobook version of this. #readingasia2021

DGRachel ...and if you, like me, prefer genre fiction over travelogues for Reading Asia, you cannot go wrong with this one. 3y
DGRachel I‘m also going to count this as my #hiddengem for #booked2021 because (1) I‘m the only one who has posted about it on Litsy so far, (2) there are only 60 reviews on Goodreads, most of those from NetGalley readers, and (3) only 7 ratings, including mine, on Storygraph. @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage 3y
Cinfhen Awesome 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼great review! If I had‘t read #Afghanistan I would have tried this book 3y
BarbaraBB Great catch and review 😍 3y
Librarybelle That cover is so striking! 3y
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The Immortalists | Chloe Benjamin
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Booked 2021 Winter - 6 prompts completed... but 😬 I‘m all over the seasons!!
#mustacheoncover Dead in the Garden- Dahlia Donovan
#AuthorsfirstnamestartswithABorC The Immortalists- Chloe Benjamin
#Titleincludeslibraryorlibrarian The Library Book- Susan Orlean
#translatedintomyfirstlanguage A Nearly Normal Family- M T Edvardsson
#Hear/Here The Postscript Murder - Elly Griffiths
#hiddengem The Marlow Murder Club - Robert Thorogood

Cinfhen No worries!! Jump all you like ?? don‘t forget ...You have until midnight, April 3 to fill out the first quarter form to be entered in our drawing ?
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Snow Falling on Cedars | David Guterson
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Bk2 of March is done. This is a beautifully written novel about the murder trial of a Japanese/American man, accused of killing a white man on a small Puget Sound island after WWII. It‘s also about the teenage love between a Japanese girl & the reporter that‘s now covering her husbands trial. But mostly, it‘s about race relations at that point in time & how hate can blind you. #Booked2021 #UnderratedBook #LitsyAtoZ2021 #LetterG #PennyPerPage #416c

Lizpixie It‘s also my #Bookspin book this month! 4y
Readergrrl I loved this novel!! 4y
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Cinfhen Gorgeous book!! Wonderful choice for #HiddenGem 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
LazyOwl I read this a number of years ago for a IRL book club. It was great and we had lots of discussion points. 4y
Jaimelire This was such a beautiful book😍 4y
Lizpixie @Readergrrl me too! @Cinfhen more people should definitely read this, it has such a gorgeous atmosphere & setting. My dream home has always been an island where it snows in winter. I much prefer stormy seas to summer ones🌊 @LazyOwl it‘s be the perfect book club choice @Jaimelire I totally agree👍 4y
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