One of the best examples of Canadian dystopian sci fi.
Opening line: "The Nellie, a crushing yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest." #heartofdarkness #josephconrad #penguinbooks #penguinmodernclassics #bookcover #firstline #bookgnome #bookish #book
I've had a few problems trying to upload images, but now it's solved and I'm coming with tons of books!
He tenido problemillas intentando subir imágenes, ¡pero creo que está arreglado y vengo con montones de libros!
#northernlights #philippullman #HeartofDarkness #JosephConrad #Borges #1984 #Kafka #JaneEyre
Finished Great Expectations on #SerialReader and now it's on to #HeartofDarkness. #ReadingtheClassics