@OrangeMooseReads Here are my cats being ding dongs and melting into the floor. 😹 I hope this helps just a bit. 💕 #happyanimal
@OrangeMooseReads Here are my cats being ding dongs and melting into the floor. 😹 I hope this helps just a bit. 💕 #happyanimal
Smoky loves when I get books in the mail, because then he has a new box to sit in. #happyanimal
Here is a picture of a quoka I found on Facebook a while back that should put a smile on your face @OrangeMooseReads .
Had a sh*t day, ok week. I need things to make me smile, pets or animals being silly are a guarantee. Tag me or #happyanimal
Why the sh*t week? One of my favorite humans passed away last Saturday. The woman who instilled the love of reading in me. One of my heroes. My wonderful, beautiful (inside and out) grandmother.