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Poirot - Hallowe'en Party | Agatha Christie
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Going out tomorrow after I get more tape (yes it needs more) #halloweengoespostal #halloweenexchange

CoverToCoverGirl That's a lot of tape! 😳😂 7y
OrangeMooseReads @CoverToCoverGirl some of that was already there. I like to cover the address so it doesn‘t smear or get wet. 7y
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I just created my first Goggle form. If all goes well with my test, tomorrow I'll put up the #allhallowsreadbookexchange sign up post!!!🎃☠️😈👻 I'm sooo excited!!!
But for now, I'm fading. Goodnight awesome #Littens

becausetrains Did something happen to the @BookishMarginalia #halloweenexchange? She's been on this game a while now. 7y
LibrarianRyan @becausetrains I will be happy to participate but I agree with becausetrains. @BookishMarginalia already uses this hashtag and does an excellent job on her exchanges. She does them 4 times a year. I know she has been planning for a few months already. I would hate for 1. You to do so much work that has already been done and 2 for any Litten to be confused by 2 book exchanges with same/similar titles and times. 7y
LibrarianRyan I just checked and she it appears she is using #Halloweengoespostal. I love book exchanges so I wish you luck in what ever endeavor you choose. 7y
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LauraJ I think this one will be horror themed, for those of us who love all things creepy. But I could be wrong. 7y
Texreader Yay!! 7y
That-Bookish-Hiker Excited for this! 7y
tricours I will sign up for a horror themed exchange! @BookishMarginalia has one for Halloween that is not horror themed, so If this one is about horror they do not necessarily crash. @LibrarianRyan @becausetrains 7y
Karkar Soooooo excited!!!!!! 7y
Clwojick Is it bad that I went out today and bought some books for this already, in hopes that it would be a go! 7y
BookishMarginalia Nice! I'm horror-averse, or I'd join! (By the way, sign ups for #HalloweenGoesPostal start Sept 1. Thanks to @becausetrains and @LibrarianRyan for the ❤️!) (edited) 7y
maich I love #litsybooksexchange . Thank you all for organise it. ❤❤ Good luck whit that! 7y
bookdrunkard78 I'm really excited for this!! 7y
Captivatedbybooks Im in 🙋🏽 7y
scripturient Any news yet? 😊 7y
MaleficentBookDragon @scripturient I'm away for the weekend. I'll be putting up a sign up post on Sunday or Monday. 7y
scripturient @MaleficentBookDragon 👍🏻 Thank you! 😊 7y
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