Finally getting a chance to put up my feet with the Sunday NYT and Michael Chabon's latest. #HappyHaulidays #FuzzySockSunday
Finally getting a chance to put up my feet with the Sunday NYT and Michael Chabon's latest. #HappyHaulidays #FuzzySockSunday
Merry Sock Sunday!
#happyhaulidays Fuzzy Sock Sunday
#livelaughbemerryandbright Holiday sock Sunday
#lilbookishdecember Deck the Halls, Holiday Colors
Santa's List: I am asking for a box set of the All Souls Trilogy and A Song of Ice and Fire. I'm also asking for a new kindle because my old ereader is on it's last legs.
#socksunday #holidaysocksunday #christmassocksunday #fuzzysocksunday #christmaslist #christmasbooklist