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Friday | Robert Anson Heinlein
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1. The Fault In Our Stars - John Green

2. Her Mad Hatter by Marie Hall. This is an Alice In Wonderland retelling. This is the first book in a series called Kingdom. It‘s a series of fairytale retellings. I‘ve enjoyed what I‘ve read from the series so far. She has written more in the series since then. I want to read the other books. I like fairytales and fairytale retellings. They‘re magical and a happy ending is guaranteed.


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I'm horribly late with this, but what the heck...

Lots have books have made me cry, most recently it was While England Sleeps by David Leavitt

Thanks for the tag @Megabooks @Andrew65


Andrew65 Need to check that one out. 4y
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All the Numbers | Judy Larsen
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@Cuilin #fridayfeelings (on Saturday). Thanks @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick for the tag!

Surprisingly (at least to myself) I haven‘t had too many novels actually make me cry. However, I full on ugly cried to the point that I freaked out my husband reading All the Numbers! It truly is heartbreaking watching the mother tackle the accidental death of her son and her fight to process it. So good!

Cuilin I‘ll check out All the Numbers. Thanks for playing. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Oh my! That sounds rough. 4y
candc320 @Cuilin I hope you like it! 4y
candc320 @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick it is rough but it is sooo good! 4y
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A Dog's Purpose | W. Bruce Cameron
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@Cuilin #fridayfeelings on Saturday. Thanks for the tag, @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm

I might be a 🤖 compared to others, but sometimes a precious moment will cause a little eye leakage.

My big weakness is dogs. A Dog's Purpose and Lily & the Octopus made me ugly cry so hard that Sarah Mclachlan is playing in my head as I type this just thinking about them.

Want to play? @BookNAround @DaveGreen7777 @candc320

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve heard these are tear jerkers! 4y
Cuilin Yes. I have a hard time with animal stories for this reason. 😭 Thanks for playing. 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Animal stories get me every time! 😅 4y
DaveGreen7777 Thank you for the tag! 😊🏷 4y
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Old Yeller | Fred Gipson
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@EadieB thanks for the tag. A couple I had to copy from you- they were among the first
Old Yeller
Where The Red Fern Grows
The Notebook- woke in the middle of the night and finished that book- cried 4 hours straight! Went to work with the reddest, baggiest eyes!! #FridayFeelings

Cathythoughts 🤦🏼‍♀️ oh no ! Crying is desperate for the eyes. Why can‘t we just cry & not have puffy eyes .... not fair 4y
Cuilin The Notebook has featured on many a list. Thanks for playing. 4y
EadieB You're welcome! Thanks for playing! 4y
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Chrissyreadit I can‘t even tell people about The Notebook without crying! Still!!! Over 20 years after reading it! 🤣😭 4y
Chrissyreadit Also- happy birthday!!! 4y
tpixie @Cathythoughts agree! Puffy eyes should be forbidden! 4y
tpixie @Cuilin I bet!! Thanks! It was fun reading them! 4y
tpixie @EadieB 😊📚😪🥳 4y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit ha!! It IS a tear jerker!! 4y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit hey you‘re tricky! Thanks!! I‘m lying in bed, thinking should I read in bed- or get coffee and read?!! It‘s a big scary number! I can‘t believe I‘m this old! 60! Time is flying!! You have a great day yourself! 🥳📚🥳 4y
Chrissyreadit @tpixie how were 50‘s? Asking for a friend.... also coffee sounds amazing everyday but especially on 🥳 birthdays! 4y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit 😄50‘s were great! All I can say is you are a lot younger than you imagined you would be in your 50‘s and 60‘s! 4y
Chrissyreadit That is excellent news!!! In my head I‘m still 29.... 4y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit lol exactly!! 4y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday!! ❤️📚❤️📚 4y
tpixie @LeahBergen thanks! It was a great day!!! 4y
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Well just recently it was Dolly Parton's Songteller. The book thief. The last days of summer. I'm a huge crybaby though so lots of things make me cry 😀 @Cuilin @Megabooks thanks for the tag! #fridayfeelings

Megabooks I totally get that. I go through phases were I just close a book and shed some tears. 4y
Cuilin @Coleen_Nieto @Megabooks me too. Sometimes I shed a tear just because I finished a book and I‘ll miss the characters. Such a sop!! 4y
Jnieto25 I choke up even talking about the short story The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst. 4y
Coleen_Nieto @Jnieto25 Now I have to read that story! 4y
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The Nightingale | Kristin Hannah
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Thanks to @Cosmos_Moon for the tag!

Yep, this book made me cry 😭


Cuilin Great book 📖 thanks for playing. 4y
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The Little Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupry
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Thanks @Andrew65 for the tag 👍🏻✨

#FridayFeelings @Cuilin

Two books that come to mind quickly would be

....The Little Prince , Antoine de Saint-Exupery

... A Fine Balance , Rohinton Mistry
❤️💔 Two heartbreakers

I tag all who‘d like to join in !

Cuilin @Cathythoughts A few have mentioned the Little Prince. Definitely a tear jerker. Have you seen the new animated movie? 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Thanks for the tag, @Cuilin !

Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips had me bawling, as did The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.

I cried a more moderate amount at Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities (my first literary cry) and Drew Gilpin Faust's This Republic of Suffering (my most recent literary cry). I also cry when I read The Gettysburg Address. (I never cried this much when I was younger. I blame motherhood.)


rather_be_reading Fierce Kingdom is so underrated! I loved it! 4y
ImperfectCJ @rather_be_reading It totally took me by surprise. So intense! It's been several years since I read it, and I still think about it and remember certain scenes vividly. 4y
Cuilin Oh gosh yes A Tale of Two cities !! Certainly had me shed a tear. This is a great list. I‘ll check out Fierce Kingdom. Thanks for playing. 4y
Cuilin @rather_be_reading do you have a list of books that made you cry? Consider yourself tagged! 4y
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Hmmm...not a lot that I‘ve actually cried over but plenty have evoked sadness.

The Scent Keeper - Erica Bauermeister
Time After Time - Lisa Grunwald
The Lost Love Song - Minnie Darke (sad in bits)
For When I‘m Gone - Rebecca Ley
The Two Lives of Lydia Bird - Josie Silver
Finding Dorothy - Elizabeth Letts (sad in bits)
Moloka‘i - Alan Brennert
The Myth of Perpetual Summer - Susan Crandall
The Space Between Words - Michele Phoenix


robinb #FridayFeelings Thanks for the tag @Andrew65 ! Anyone else like a shot at it? 😊 4y
Andrew65 Forgotten about The Two Lives of Lydia Bird. 4y
Cuilin Great list. Thanks for playing. 4y
robinb @Andrew65 I really loved that one even though it tears your heart out...ultimately uplifting.
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