Starting this one today.
Happy First Day of Spring! 🐣🌿🐦🌞
3✨ Going into this book I knew I was going to be uncomfortable. Casey is a behaviorist at a children‘s school, so all the troubled kids come to her. When she meet Kiara and learns her history there are red flags that she is slipping through the system. While there are many kids in this class dealing with more real life than they should, Kiara has a worse case scenario that literally made my jaw drop at one point. Poor kid. #Roll100 February
Honestly where to begin… this book broke my heart. And as a social work student, soon to be a working clinical social worker, it broke my heart in many different ways. It‘s saddening to read about another child abuse victim who could have been saved much quicker if social services had intervened sooner. It‘s even more disheartening to read about a foster parent profiting from the misfortunes of one of her children. 3.5⭐️
“No matter how big you get, it's still okay to cry because everybody's got a right to their own tears.”
#Peace #25Alive
Honestly, I have mixed emotions while reading this book. As a social work student I have found that this book brings up a lot of important points and issues about foster care and social services as well as brings up a lot of the emotional aspects of the job. With that being said I also found that there are some ethical concerns raised with this book. In a way, I feel that Glass is exploiting these children by writing about them.
What a sad story about a young boy who was severely abused by his biological mother. Dave Pelzer tells of the tragic ways his alcoholic mother tortured him. Foster care didn‘t improve his life situations much . Foster parents and their charges don‘t always work for as it should for the child. Often times it takes several homes before the Foster parents & children fit well. 4/5
Hank has my whole heart! This poor kid is put in impossible situation after impossible situation. It was absolutely maddening to see adults treat an 11-year-old kid like he‘s supposed to be able to make decisions way above his maturity level. I appreciated the realistic and hopeful nature of the ending. 💙
Both these books were 5 🌟 they were very different, but both made me cry. I now get the obsession with the Throne of Glass series!!! Lorcan and Elide ❤️
The book discusses Pelzer's struggling with his ability to fit in and adapt to the new environment around him as he is put into foster care. It also talks about the kindness of his foster parents and other people around him as well as his inability to brush his mother aside.
#TheLostBoy #DavePelzer #book #books #bookdesign #bookdesigner #bookdeal #NonFiction #Memoir #Biography #Autobiography #Psychology #Abuse #TrueStory #Adult #Fostering ❤️🔥📚
This is such an amazing book! The first time I read it, I was like, omg this is the perfect book for me.