Hi Litsy, it's been a while. Here's my copy of DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE that Laini Taylor signed at BookCon. This was truly a special moment for me.
#bookcon2017 #daughterofsmokeandbone #lainitaylor #favereads #autograph
Hi Litsy, it's been a while. Here's my copy of DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE that Laini Taylor signed at BookCon. This was truly a special moment for me.
#bookcon2017 #daughterofsmokeandbone #lainitaylor #favereads #autograph
This series is so fantastic. The wait between volumes takes forever but I love going into it knowing that some craziness is going to happen that I'm not expecting.
#Saga #comics #weekendreading #family #favereads
Almost forgot! Here are some great #kickassheroines - Shori, Ella, and Thursday. 😍💪💋🗡
#ladies #badasswomen #favereads #seasonsreadings2016 #Fledgling #Ioseries #Taoseries #ThursdayNext
Kind of behind in #booktober but here's my pick for #greatfirstlines 😊
#Saga #comics #favereads
September was a good month - it was tough to pick favorites, there were so many! Nevertheless, these stand out - especially Between the World and Me, which should be required reading.
#favereads #somethingforsept #bestreadsofseptember
#somethingforsept #favereads
September reading stats. Busy month, so not as good as last month, but so many great books! This month also included a few bookish events, and meeting fellow book lovers! Looking forward to what October brings!
This third volume of Velveteen stories, with all the different issues it hit on, was my favorite read of August. #somethingforsept #favereads Day 1
My two favorite reads for the month of August! Brown Girl Dreaming is so beautiful and important, and Everything I Never Told You is heartbreakingly, wonderfully written. Another top read for August was Uprooted by Naomi Novik, but I've already given it back to my friend. #septphotochallenge #topreads #favereads @RealLifeReading