Some people (Emma) would definitely think that Miss Bates would need some duct tape to silence her for more than a minute #ducttaperequired 🤐
Some people (Emma) would definitely think that Miss Bates would need some duct tape to silence her for more than a minute #ducttaperequired 🤐
#Characters2017 #ducttaperequired The book is still in my #TBR stack but I know that there was definitely duct tape required by Mark Watney in the movie version of The Martian. I found this quote too, "Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshipped." Andy Weir ??
Everything about this book has serious #ducttaperequired needs. 😂 #muchlove #dave #shitload #soysauce #characters2017
I've been trying to figure this one out all day and I'm afraid I'm going to have to go to HP again. To be quite literal, Nearly Headless Nick is in great need of duct tape! #characters2017 #ducttaperequired
I'm pretty sure that if Victor Frankenstein was experimenting today, there would be some serious #DuctTapeRequired to hold together some of his creatures. #Characters2017
Holden Caulfield for me was a #character2017 where #ducttaperequired. He never shut up. And whined so much for a kid that had it pretty easy.
I think Bridget sometimes felt like #DuctTapeRequired for herself 😂 I love when she puts her foot in her mouth 🤐 I think we can all relate 🤷🏻♀️ #Characters2017
#Characters2017 #day28 #DuctTapeRequired If there was ever a character that required lots and lots of duct tape, it's Lisbeth Salander, both as the person using it & as a person it was used on. This is not the type of woman you want to find yourself at the mercy of if you have any sort of ill will towards women. Deservedly so in this novel.