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Miles from Motown | Lisa Sukenic
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Another deep dive into my TBR stacks resulted in me pulling out this ARC of a middle grade novel in verse about a young girl whose family leaves Detroit for the suburbs just as she‘s entering a poetry contest only for residents of Detroit. It‘s a more or less satisfying story about losing and making friends, secrets, poetry, prejudice, & community.

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Broken Monsters | Lauren Beukes
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This was very disturbing, thought provoking & truly strange.
This thriller set in Detroit follows a varied cast of characters as a grisly murder impacts them &their communities with an eye towards art, social media & societal issues.

#lmpbc @Captivatedbybooks @Readergrrl @BethM

Readergrrl I thought the same! Kind of disturbing, but in a well-developed way, and I‘m still thinking about it. Admittedly, I was speed reading it so I didn‘t write as many comments as I normally do. I have a teen daughter and the scenes where the girls were “playing” with the online creepers had me sweating!! 2d
5feet.of.fury @Readergrrl the girls were stressing me out! But vigilante teens in cat masks - iconic! 2d
5feet.of.fury @Readergrrl The ending got a little Stephen King in a “this is really happening somehow, I guess” type of way, but it was good. 2d
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Captivatedbybooks Im waiting to get it back to finish reading it. But i agree the girls had me stressing and im not a mom! 🤣🤣 2d
5feet.of.fury @BethM mailed this morning! 5h
5feet.of.fury @Captivatedbybooks I saw your “idk if I‘m gonna finish in time” note, I hope you go back to it! And enjoy my commentary! 5h
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The Car Thief | Theodore Weesner
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Sad events of a misguided youth in urban Detroit around 1960. Alex lives with his alcoholic dad who works 2nd shift at a car factory. I enjoyed the ups and downs of the book, cheering for Alex, hoping he would make it through his hardships to lead a good life. He is a complex character with a complicated history. The story takes place over the course of about a school year, but has many flashbacks giving the characters tangible depth.

The Car Thief | Theodore Weesner
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Thought provoking. I loved the story telling and seeing how the lives of the three protagonists intertwined despite being set decades apart. Definite pick

Broken Monsters | Lauren Beukes

@Readergrrl it‘s on it‘s way to you. I believe it said you should get it Friday. #LMPBC #Round20 #GroupC

Readergrrl Very exciting!! I‘ll be mailing Prodigal Summer out by this weekend. I got a little busy!! 2mo
Captivatedbybooks @Readergrrl i didnt get a chance to finish the book lol just an FYI. Ill finish when it comes back to me. 2mo
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Broken Monsters | Lauren Beukes
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@Readergrrl it‘s on it‘s way to you. I believe it said you should get it Friday. #LMPBC #Round20 #GroupC

Middlesex: A Novel | Jeffrey Eugenides
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#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

1. Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides
2. Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro
3. Black Swan Green - David Mitchell

dabbe I'm making a list, checking it twice, and I'll make it available to all whether naughty or nice! 😂 Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 3mo
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Deus X | Stephen Mack Jones
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I have enjoyed all of the August Snow novels, but Stephen Mack Jones latest, Deus X is really something special. Father Michael Grabowsk, who August has known since the Franciscan baptized him, has been forced to retire in light of unsubstantiated abuse allegations. Investigating, Snow discovers that the false accusations stem from a power mad Bishop who wants a Vatican post. Beautifully written, great Detroit details. Highly, highly recommended.

Babysitter | Joyce Carol Oates
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#12Booksof2023 November

My first Joyce Carol Oates, and this was scary. I actually had to stop reading towards the end.

Andrew65 Well chosen. 5mo
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