An historical mystery featuring a woman undertaker? Ummm...yes please! I‘ve heard Trent speak a few times, and she‘s quite dynamic and does a lot of research for her books. Fascinating topic, and an interesting read. #BlackIsTheColor #NoFemmeber
Cinfhen I feel like this might be for you @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi 6y
Cinfhen And im definitely intrigued 🖤 6y
Reviewsbylola I do love undertakers and morgues. 6y
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Clare-Dragonfly Ooh, that sounds worth trying the mystery genre again! I love mysteries in theory but have never found a mystery novel that really hit the spot. 6y
emilyhaldi Yes!! @Cinfhen #darkanddisturbing for the win 🖤 6y
ferskner That cover! 😍 6y
Billypar Very spooky! 😨 6y
Librarybelle Everything about this is fun...well, fun if you‘re into learning about Victorian mourning customs! @Cinfhen @Reviewsbylola @Clare-Dragonfly @emilyhaldi @ferskner @Billypar 6y
ferskner AND I AM! 6y
Clare-Dragonfly The number of YouTube videos I‘ve watched about Victorian mourning hair art… 😄 6y
Librarybelle @ferskner @Clare-Dragonfly I once did a program at the library on Victorian mourning customs as a teen program. Only one family came, but we had a lot of fun discussing everything Victorian mourning. So macabre, but those Victorians were amazing! 6y
ferskner I've done the same program, but for adults! We had an awesome reenactor in town who came in full mourning and brought all her hair jewellery. One of my favorite programs ever. 6y
Librarybelle @ferskner ❤️❤️❤️ 6y