Finished this one late last night. I remember watching Ally McBeal with my mom and thinking that the actress that played Nelle was just gorgeous. So hard to believe everything she was struggling with at the time with her eating disorders and her sexuality.
This was such and open and honest look about how women today struggle with what they see in the mirror and how no matter what, you can find peace and happiness.
#dogsoflitay #corgisoitsy
Sheryl63 I love your Corgi! My Malinois needs a friend; we lost my Sheltie last year. But Lena, my Sheltie was her first so she had Zoe, my Mal under control. I know Zoe would be jealous she's extremely possessive of me; she will not go outside unless I'm with her. She loves to push her tennis balls beneath the fence to the neighbor‘s dog. I've got a cat, that was hit by a darn truck and she's pretty out there, physically, mentally. She‘s a hoot! 7y
Sheryl63 I‘m getting a Veiled Chameleon for Mother‘s Day. I love Lizards, I bought a tiny Iguana in 1994 and he grew to be Six feet long, he lived for 12 yrs. I've had two Veils back in 1998 one had parasites and died the first year the female lived for three yrs. I know more about them now. So we are headed to this big reptile show in May to get a female. It's the same show i bought my first two from. How odd is that? 7y