Today‘s portable reading…
#OutAndAbout #Commuting #ReadingOnTheTrain
Today‘s portable reading…
#OutAndAbout #Commuting #ReadingOnTheTrain
As the morning commute begins I'm going to delve into this treasure and hope I haven't got my hopes up too high....
#Reading #StartTheDayWithABook #Commuting #TrainJourney #AlmostTheWeekend #BookNerd #ReadABook #Books #JonRonson #Extremists #InvestigativeWriting #Them #Conspiracy #Theories
I went to buy coffee and some #summersantagoespostal and#beachinbookswap gifts and ended up with a book for me. As soon as I walked in they had a whole bike display. I couldn't resist. #bookhaul
"isn't it always the innappriaraite thing, the thing that doesn't quite work, that's oddly always the dearest?"
Reading on the train. Commuting back home from work for an appointment then got to make the same 2 hour journey back, prime reading time. #trains #primetime #commuting