Indeed. So fun.
With just a few days to spare, I finished the last state (Arkansas!) for the #ReadAroundTheUSChallenge! Set at University of AK, this follows a visiting professor/writer, an RA with goals for after graduation & a suite of young women with their own problems of varying intensity. Very different from my own college experience, the characters do come to life, but it sort of makes the reader feel like an eavesdropper along with the characters!
I read this one over the summer (so behind on reviews). It was ok, an interesting book about class, money, race, power dynamics. I liked her first book more. Her books definitely try to make you think more about situations that can arise & the bigger dynamics within society.
I really like “Such A Fun Age”. I hope I really like this one too. But the current 67% rating has me nervous.
I‘m also assuming that stories will never take place during 2020 again. Or at least for a long while.
Read it for the excellent dialogue. So fun. Highly recommend to anyone who loves eavesdropping.
I‘m really surprised by the tepid response to this one, as I really liked it. It‘s quieter than her debut and quite nuanced, with every character showing their flaws and making bad choices in a way that feels fully human. A great read for me that was hard to put down.
Since back to school season is upon us, I thought I‘d highlight my favorite books featuring professors
All of these are humorous, have heart and won‘t bring you any “back to school blues” 👍
Reread over a decade later. What I remembered from my first time through is from the very, very end of the book. Funny that I remembered it as being the complete focus of this specific storyline and it wasn't. Anyway, still amazing as always. I can't wait to discuss it with my book club in a few weeks.
I know what this book is supposed to be about.
Or at least, what the reviews and interviews claim.
But the “point” didn‘t really land for me.
I couldn‘t put this down. KR has such an amazing way of writing compelling, timely stories about young women - she‘s a must read author for me and I wish I‘d bought this