"And that's about when Mrs.Krupp said, Now, Billy. Please make up your mind--this is getting quite silly!"
"And that's about when Mrs.Krupp said, Now, Billy. Please make up your mind--this is getting quite silly!"
This book identifies many different careers such as a chef, magician, waiter, skater, and a tarantula shaver. A lot of the pages rhyme with each career.
This book shows many different dream jobs that students may have. As well as talk about many different careers.
Great read about castle life told in rhyme!
My financial coach recommended this book to help with career advancement. I was skeptical about the book but willing to try it. I'm pleasantly surprised. There's a chapter about perfectionism, something I struggle with, that I've found quite helpful. Will see how the rest of the book is! #SelfHelp #Careers
Today's odd reading trio: noir thriller graphic novel, nonfiction about the evangelical church, and Richard Scarry kids book. Such an odd combo!
Staying in an Air B&B in my hometown to visit friends and family, and just needed a moment for myself. 😮💨😌
Next up is nonfiction. I‘ve been a stay-at-home mom for a long time now and I need all the help I can get to rejoin the workforce 😮💨
#AutumnPlease! Day 27: Nigel and the #Moon made me wonder why adults often assume that young people would only want to be one thing when they grow up. It also begs the question of how realistic should young people‘s dreams be. Maybe dreaming more than one dream is, in itself, a subversive, revolutionary act in a world that demands you to be only one thing, and never all than you can possibly be. My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-pCe