Ruby Oliver is one of my all time favorite fictional characters! #YAfavorite #JumpintoJanuary
Ruby Oliver is one of my all time favorite fictional characters! #YAfavorite #JumpintoJanuary
Went through all the different emotions with Ruby; both at home and at school. Despite all the challenges she went through she somehow always found a way to get through these. I liked her relationship with Julian Mambasa and for a moment there I thought something might develop between them. The saddest part for me though was when her family had to leave but her mother decided to stay back home to help those she thought needed her more.
A collection of essays about dating from one of the writers of Sex and the City. The author does a good job of recognizing the foibles and, to be frank, the things about dating that just make you want to quit doing it while painting a completely hilarious picture of the process. Funny, light read that I‘m certain everyone (she even addresses potential male readers!) would be able to find at least one chapter that they can identify with!
This book is cracking me up!!
While The Hate U Give made me angry, this book almost made me cry (which means a lot). Linzi Glass shows us the lifes of those who risk their lives and those of their beloved ones to do what's right. To fight and stand up for others. It shows us another side of the suffering people and their small-mindedness causes.
Ruby Red shows us the past, The Hate U Give the present. How far did we come?
There are so many good quotes from all the books in this series but this quote was my favorite one.
This is my review for the last book that I read in this series. This book counts for the #bookishbingo prompt “last book in a series”.
This is my book I just finished rereading along with the jar I‘m using for books that I want to reread. Next, I‘m moving on to rereading book 2 in the #rubyoliverseries called #theboybook. I‘ve added the next book to my #rereadsjar too.
This is my review for a book I reread. The second book will be a reread for me and books 3 and 4 will be read for the first time. Those are the only two that I haven‘t read in this series. One day, I want to reread all 4 books in this series. I made a #tbrjar for books that I want to reread. This is a short series. I can fit it in while reading the #asongoficeandfire series.