This was a much needed delightful light and fluffy read after a few heavier titles, as you do 💆♀️ It was also a #bookstagrammademedoit - along with Love and Other Words which I also really enjoyed by @christinalauren 👍
This was a much needed delightful light and fluffy read after a few heavier titles, as you do 💆♀️ It was also a #bookstagrammademedoit - along with Love and Other Words which I also really enjoyed by @christinalauren 👍
Chalk this one up to #bookstagrammademedoit and I‘m so glad I read The Kiss Quotient 🙌 Yes, it‘s full of explicit scenes 🔥, fair warning if that‘s not your thing. Ultimately, I really enjoyed the dynamic between the characters in this gender reversed Pretty Woman-esque story, and it shed light on an adult woman with high functioning autism - WRITTEN by an adult woman with high functioning autism. I‘ll definitely pick up @hhoangwrites next book!