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Hawthorne Legacy | Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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My husband's grandparents gave me a gift card for my birthday so obviously I had to buy books. 😍

marleed It‘s the only right thing to do! 3y
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So ... as I felt a little better yesterday I decided to attempt some Christmas shopping today.

Big mistake.

I wasn't prepared physically or emotionally for the onslaught.

It wasn't that busy given it is Black Friday. But all the shops were so overheated I felt woozy and the amount of stuff on the shelves just overwhelmed me.

Did get some nice books for my daughter though so it wasn't all bad.


Betty I‘m boycotting Black Friday 6y
squirrelbrain Oh no, poor you! At least you‘re home again now.... 6y
Tamra 😐I try to do all shopping online. 6y
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Purrfectpages I hide indoors on Black Friday lol 6y
Redwritinghood Online shopping only for me! I hate the shops this time of year. 6y
readingjedi @Betty Wise move. It's a cynical marketing ploy & everyone seems to fall for it. 6y
readingjedi @Purrfectpages I would've as well but today was my only chance to shop without my daughter with me! 6y
readingjedi @Redwritinghood I hate the shops most of the year to be fair! 6y
readingjedi @Tamra Yes, that's the way forward for me! 6y
readingjedi @squirrelbrain Thanks. Nothing a sit down & a coffee won't fix! 6y
Cathythoughts Oh yes ! It‘s Black Friday 🤷🏻‍♀️... such drama ..,, 6y
sprainedbrain I had to go out for peanut butter (emergency situation for the 7-year-old), and the masses of people were almost too much for me. Can‘t even imagine trying to shop for real. 😂 Hope you‘re feeling better! ❤️ 6y
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Behold, my Christmas shopping so far. #booksmakethebestpresents

Louise Wow! Makes me want to be on your Christmas list! 😍 7y
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Finally got my Charlie Brown tree out for the year! Had to blur out the upwrapped gifts because I'm nowhere near that stage yet. Anyone else have stacks of books to give as presents? #booksmakethebestpresents #holidayseason2016 #charliebrowntree

TheCanuckReader Meeee! 8y
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