My husband's grandparents gave me a gift card for my birthday so obviously I had to buy books. 😍
My husband's grandparents gave me a gift card for my birthday so obviously I had to buy books. 😍
So ... as I felt a little better yesterday I decided to attempt some Christmas shopping today.
Big mistake.
I wasn't prepared physically or emotionally for the onslaught.
It wasn't that busy given it is Black Friday. But all the shops were so overheated I felt woozy and the amount of stuff on the shelves just overwhelmed me.
Did get some nice books for my daughter though so it wasn't all bad.
Finally got my Charlie Brown tree out for the year! Had to blur out the upwrapped gifts because I'm nowhere near that stage yet. Anyone else have stacks of books to give as presents? #booksmakethebestpresents #holidayseason2016 #charliebrowntree