So, I actually have 3 volumes of Brehm's from my Swiss ancestors. @CrowCAH #bookishgenealogy
So, I actually have 3 volumes of Brehm's from my Swiss ancestors. @CrowCAH #bookishgenealogy
For your random enjoyment, an illustration from an 1868 zoological Atlas passed down from my Swiss ancestors. #bookishgenealogy
Oh, well, I have never posted a title page from the volumes of Heine, so one more. #bookishgenealogy @CrowCAH
#signedsunday #bookishgenealogy @CrowCAH So, this is signed to my great grandmother, Elise Hindermann (father Swiss, mother French Creole). I have no idea who the older lady is but she is probably one of her father's cousins. I have other pictures of her and she is not one of her Swiss aunts or her Swiss grandmother (I have pictures of them, too).
/Going to give cousin Elise, descendant of the above, this book for a graduation present.
What is the oldest book you guys have? This is mine. It is kind of a Swiss Farmer's Almanac, I believe. @CrowCAH #bookishgenealogy
#muscles Greek gods and heroes have them. #aprilbookshowers #day4 @RealLifeReading By the by, @CrowCAH this illustration is from the 1866 3 vol set I have. #bookishgenealogy