My pick for the Exemplary Badge in the round one catchup for the #Bookemon read-a-thon. I found it just ok. Not a bad read but not one I plan to pick up again.
My pick for the Exemplary Badge in the round one catchup for the #Bookemon read-a-thon. I found it just ok. Not a bad read but not one I plan to pick up again.
Completed my first book for the #bookemon round one catchup. All-American Girl by Meg Cabot gives me the Amour Badge which was to read a romance/contemporary.
Not a bad read but not my thing anymore. It was just ok. My younger self would have like it a lot though.
All the books I read in May were for the #Bookemon readathon. Check out the badges I earned in my wrap-up video! https://youtu.be/NJZec5zxiVU
#maystats #stats #wrapup #maywrapup #readingstats #bookemon
5/5⭐ I find Curott's descriptions & journey beautiful. Obviously I can't relate personally to many of her magickal experiences, her initiation process made me uncomfortable, & I'm unsure about divinity having binary masculine/feminine aspects. However, there's no doubt of the impact Curott's experiences have on her life. I especially like the way she lifts the veil on today's absolute bullshit patriarchal society. #bookemon
2/5⭐ The humor and hijinks are entertaining enough, but there's no depth/growth to the characters or plot whatsoever. Sophronia is annoyingly and unrealistically perfect at everything. The two attempts at her character growth feel false because the circumstances surrounding them are forced, the stakes not genuine. The whole ostracism thing was just plain stupid. #bookemon
2/5⭐ It wasn't terrible, but I just can't feel tension for a rich, privileged 17-year-old running away whose biggest challenge is not being able to sew. *shrug* The antagonist & religious conflict plotlines felt flat. I thought it was cheap to keep the minor characters' secrets from the reader, even when the main character learned one, in order to sell the next books. But kudos for believable friendships and romantic relationship. #bookemon
4/5⭐ Oooh, yes this is exactly the type of horror I enjoy: a combo of creepy, smart, and dangerous. The author balanced science, plot, horror, characters, and relationships really well. The bouncing around from POV to POV was almost too much but didn't detract from my overall enjoyment. The representation as far as neurodiversity, sexuality, and race/ethnicity was refreshing. Definitely recommended. #bookemon
1/5⭐ The beginning w/ Onye trying to fit into society was decent. By the middle I was so lost in how the world works that I disconnected completely. The magic system isn't explained. New abilities appear only when convenient to the plot but underused in mitigating obstacles later. Onye is combative & despicable. Characters bounced instantly between anger & laughter. The relationships & plot, especially in the end, were incomprehensible. #bookemon