Agh I'm not ready for the series to end yet 😱😱 #finalbook #imnotreadytofinishtheseries #pleasedontend #butimustknowwhathappens #bookdilemma #booknerdproblems #bookproblems
Agh I'm not ready for the series to end yet 😱😱 #finalbook #imnotreadytofinishtheseries #pleasedontend #butimustknowwhathappens #bookdilemma #booknerdproblems #bookproblems
Alright guys, I'm about 40% into this book and I'm not hooked....I've heard so many good things about this book and I'm feeling pretty bored...should I continue or bail? Anyone else feel this way? #bookdilemma
Oh book dilemmas. What to start next? Do I read Ancillary Justice, my next Book Club read? (I read the first chapter last night and it was really good.) Or do I start Commonwealth which @Joanne1 wants me to read so she's got some to talk to? Or do I do a bit of both? I think it will have to be both. #bookdilemma
😱 Litsy, which ones do I get? And no, don't say all of them. I wish, but I can't today! I can probably manage two. If it helps, my libraries didn't order The Hatching or the Alice books.