We finally put up the last 2 floating bookshelves! I love these things. #Bookshelf #decor #BookCorner
We finally put up the last 2 floating bookshelves! I love these things. #Bookshelf #decor #BookCorner
So many books so little time! To be fair not all these are TBR but it's still so so many 😅🤣 I can't stop hahaha. Worst part is I see the gaps and think yay I have room for more books 😅😬 #bookshelves #booksbooksbooks #TBR #bookcorner #booknook
Favorite corner when I'm at our home in the city. Grateful for that oveflowing to-read book cart. 🥰 Lovin' the variety on my cart, but especially that multiple editions of Sherlock! 💙
#bookwormproblems #mylibrary #homelibrary #bookshelves #bookshelf #readingspace #BooksBooksBooks #BookCommunity #Bookstagram #ReaderGram #Bibliophile #BookLover #BookLover #Bookworm #Bookwormph #bookcart #bookcorner #FrostbeardStudio
A corner of my reading nook 😍📚
#whereiread #reading #readingnook #k #kforkate #homedecor #readingcorner #booknook #bookcorner #hideaway